白灵菇这一食用菌产业中的商业名称所涉及的类群并非分类学意义上的一个分类群。经考证发现 ,它们包括 1个种和 2个变种 ,即杏鲍菇 Pleurotuseryngii (DC,:Fr.) Qu′el.、阿魏侧耳 P.eryngii var.ferulae Lanzi、白阿魏蘑 P.eryngii var.ner-brodensis Inzenga;同时 ,分别整理了上述种和变种的别名或商业名、识别要点、生境、分布和用途 ,并列出了它们的分类检索表 。
Bailinggu (a commercial name in edible mushrooms) is not a group of classification in the sense of taxonomy. By verification we found that the group includes 1 species and 2 varieties. They are Pleurotus eryngii, P. eryngii var. ferulae and P. eryngii var. nerbrodensis. The alias commercial names, distinguished features, habitat, distribution, and uses are arranged and listed out separately, this providing a referential basis for their prodnction and academic discussions.
Journal of Gansu Sciences