根据杭州湾水质监测及浮游植物的调查资料 ,应用营养状态指数、生物多样性和相似性指数等概念 ,分析了杭州湾的富营养化及浮游植物多样性等问题。研究表明 ,杭州湾营养状态指数由近岸向外海递减 ,COD、DIN和DIP在杭州湾营养状态指数的构成比例中分别占 6 4 .3%、34.6 %和 1.1% ;浮游植物种类多样性指数自西北向东南呈递减—递增—递减的态势 ,其低谷区中心轴位于 12 1°30′E、30°0 0′N - 12 2°30′E、31°0 0′N连线 (图 1的A -A′线 )附近 ;营养状态指数和浮游植物种类多样性指数的相关性好 ,外海侧海域因为二者呈负相关而更有可能成为赤潮发生的“危险区” ;杭州湾浮游植物生长环境大致可以A -A′线为界划分为近岸侧和外海侧两个区 ,前者生长环境比后者更为恶劣 ;浮游植物按其物种相似性指数可分为外海群落与近岸群落 。
Based on the surveyed data of water quality and phytoplankton in Hangzhou Bay, the eutrophication situation and the phytoplankton diversity etc. in the bay were analyzed by nutrient status index, diversity index and similitude index in this paper. The results show as follows. 1) The level of eutrophication decreased from the inshore to the offshore in the bay and the percentage of COD, DIN and DIP in the nutrient status index accounted for 64.3%, 34.6% and 1.1% respectively. 2) The distribution of diversity index of phytoplankton showed the characteristic of decreasing, increasing and then re decreasing from the northwest to the southeast, and the axis of the lowest index was located near the A-A' line between 121°30′E, 30°00′N and 122°30′E, 31°00′N in the bay. 3) The diversity index of phytoplankton was closely related to the nutrient status index, and the offshore area was more likely to become the 'danger area', which may result in red tide bloom because of their negative correlation in that area. 4) According to the growth environment for phytoplankton, Hangzhou Bay can be divided into inshore area and offshore area based on the A-A' line, and the inshore area was worse than the offshore area for phytoplankton growth. 5) According to the similitude index, phytoplankton community in Hangzhou Bay can be divided into inshore phytoplankton community and offshore phytoplankton community, and the boundary of their geographic distribution was the same as above.
Journal of Fisheries of China
国家教委资助项目 (1999-3 63 )