调查了三门湾健跳港海水养殖区夏季浮游生物的种类组成、密度和多样性指数,并将浮游生物群落指标与水质理化因子进行相关分析。共发现浮游生物29种,其中浮游植物14种,第一优势种为中勒骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum);浮游动物15种,第一优势种为太平洋纺锤水蚤(Acartia pacifica)。表层浮游植物的平均密度为43 328 ind.L-1,Shannon-Weiner多样性指数为0.826;浮游动物平均密度为389 ind.m-3,Shannon-Weiner多样性指数为2.964。相关分析结果表明:无机氮、无机磷促使了浮游植物大量繁殖,并使浮游动物多样性指数提高。网箱养鱼区水体富营养化指数与浮游植物多样性指数之间有一定的正相关关系,与浮游动物多样性指数之间呈显著的正相关关系。
Effects of fish cage culture on plankton biodiversities and water quality were studied at five sampling stations ( I -V) in the summer of Jiantiao at Sanmen Bay. 29 species of plankton were found, among which 14 species were phytoplankton and 15 species were zooplankton. The dominant species of phytoplankton and zooplankton were Skeletonema costatum and Acartia pacifica, respectively. The average density ofphytoplankton and phytoplankton Sharmon-Weiner biodiversity index in the surface water layer were 43 328 ind.L^-1 and 0.826, respectively. The average density of zooplankton and zooplankton Sharmon-Weiner biodiversity index in the whole water layer were 389 ind.m^-3 and 2.964. The result of regression analysis showed that the density of phytoplankton increased rapidly, which was caused by high concentrations of DIN, DIP in the fish cage culture region, and biodiversity index of zooplankton also increased with increase of DIN and DIP. Biodiversity index of phytoplankton had a positive linear relationship with water body E value, and there was a significant positive linear relationship (R^2= 0.781, p〈0.05) between biodiversity index of zooplankton and water body E value.
Ecological Science