三水恒益发电厂给水泵为从西班牙进口的高压锅炉给水泵 ,配湘潭电机厂出产的 2 5MW电动机 ,由于设备方面和安装方面的原因 ,导致泵组试运过程中振动大。针对此情况 ,重做基础 ,将泵与电动机的基础分开 ,对泵组重新安装和二次浇灌。在检查处理过程中振动特性曾发生过变化 ,一度使检查消除工作陷入困境 ,后经试验分析 ,产生振动大的情况与泵的启动方式有关 ,适当延长启动至带满负荷时间 。
No 2 feed water pump in Sanshui Hengyi Power Plant, a HP boiler feed water pump imported from Spain and equipped with a 2 5 MW motor manufactured by Xiangtan Motormaker, experienced heavy vibration in the trial operation owing to reasons of equipment and installation. Therefore, the foundation of the pump was reconstructed and separated from that of the motor, the pump unit reinstalled and repoured. However, the changes in vibration performance cornered the treatment of vibration. Upon tests and analyses, it was found that the heavy vibration was caused by the start up mode of the pump, which could be successfully eliminated by appropriately lengthening the start up to full load time.
Guangdong Electric Power