应用电镜技术对光学显微镜下不易观察清楚的肝窦内皮细胞的形态作进一步的分析研究。重点观察了窦内皮细胞受损时的超微结构特征。对窦内皮细胞的形态、位置变异、及枯否氏细胞与窦内皮细胞受损的密切关系 ,做了较详尽的观察。窦内皮细胞的损伤可直接影响到肝细胞的营养及物质交换。
The morphologic changes of sinusoid endothelial cells were studied on 12 cases of liver biopsy specimens using electron microscope. The wall of the sinusoids is usually composed of a single layer of elongated, narrow endothelial cells containing few organelles and extending processes to form loose junctions with one another. Damaged endothelial cells show ruffle formation, dilatation of rough endoplasmic reticular and decreasing in cytoplasmic density, and bulged into the sinusoidal lumen. Reduction in the number of fenestrae may occur either by fusion or extensive constriction and disappearance of fenestrae through membrane fusion. The sinusoidal endothelial cells damage leads to the degeneration of hepatocyte. The process of capillarization of sinusoids needs further attention.
Journal of Chinese Electron Microscopy Society