为了加速控制麻疹 ,了解麻疹疫苗 (MV)初始强化免疫的血清学效果 ,在 1997~ 1999年全省开展MV强化免疫活动期间 ,随机选择 11个县 (区、市 )设立强化免疫血清学监测点 ,对 1~ 6岁儿童在免疫前、后采集双份血清标本用血凝抑制 (HI)试验检测人群麻疹HI抗体。结果表明 :强化免疫后麻疹HI抗体阳性率由免疫前 92 96 %上升到 99 81%,抗体几何平均滴度倒数 (GMRT)由 18 11± 3 2 7上升到 44 77± 2 2 5 ,增长 2 4 7倍 ;强化免疫前各年龄组抗体阳性率为 89 16 %~ 97 37%,9~ 12岁GMRT最低 ,为 14 2 6± 2 6 4,强化免疫后各年龄组抗体阳性率为99 12 %~ 10 0 0 0 %,9~ 12岁GMRT上升到 39 0 8± 2 88;免疫后抗体有增长者占 6 8 83%,其中呈≥ 4倍增长者占 34 88%。通过强化免疫 ,大幅度提高群体的免疫水平 ,在相应的人群中已建立了牢固的免疫屏障 ,但是要重视MV的复种工作 ,预防麻疹爆发。
To accelerate measles control and know serological efficacy of measles vaccine immunization campaign conducted in 1997-1999 in the province,the measles IgG of the eligible children was tested with HI assay. Measles IgG positive rate increased from 92.96% to 99.81%,GMRT increased from 18.11±3.27 to 44.71±2.25(by 2.47 folds).The IgG positive rate of all age groups were from 89.16% to 97.37%,the GMRT of the children aged 9-12 years was 14.26±2.64(the lowest GMRT)before the campaign. But after that, the measles IgG positive rates varied from 99.12% to 100%,the GMRT of the children aged 9-12 years increased to 39.08±2.88. 68.83% of the children showed antibody increasing,among them 34.88% had antibody increasing more than 4 folds. Immunization campaign has made the immunity level of the population improved and the immunity barrier firmly set up. But more importantly,the repeated MV immunization should be done well to prevent measles outbreak.
Chinese Journal of Vaccines and Immunization
Measles vaccine
Supplementary immunization
Hemagglutination ihhibition antibody
Positive rate