采用阴离子溶液聚合法 ,以多官能团有机锂为引发剂 ,环己烷为溶剂 ,四氢呋喃、二乙二醇二甲醚、2 (β 二甲基氨基 乙基 )醚等为微观结构调节剂 ,合成了星型高乙烯基聚丁二烯 (S HVBR)。研究表明 ,用此种多官能团有机锂引发剂合成的S HVBR ,其 1,2 结构含量在 70 %~ 80 % (质量分数 ) ,具有可控、分子量分布较宽的特点。
On the basis of patent of multilithium initiator, star high vinyl polybutadiene(S HVBR) was synthesized by one step addition process, with cyclohexane as solvent and tetrahydrofuran, diethylene glycol dimethyl ether and ethylene glycol dimethyl ether as additives. The results showed that when S HVBR was synthesized with multilithium initiator, the content of 1,2 structure could be controlled between 70%~80%, the molecular weight distribution was more wide and the species and the content of microstructure modifying additives as well as the temperature all had a great influence on the microstructure of S HVBR.
Journal of Beijing University of Chemical Technology(Natural Science Edition)