

Measurement System of Internet Dynamics Based on Traffic Engineering
摘要 1.引言网络技术的迅猛发展,Internet的广泛渗透,作为网络的最终用户希望从ISP(Internet提供商)得到高质量的服务,所以Internet运行性能的研究变得更加重要、更具有挑战性,大型IP网络(特别是Internet主干网)的性能监控变成了一个非常值得研究和重视的问题。目前在国际上有很多组织致力于网络性能监控的项目,例如IETF(Internet Engineer Task Force)IPPM工作组,提出了对于网络性能进行评价的标准,定义大范围网络性能测试的模型,为正确进行网络性能的测量提供高效的测量工具和测量技术[RFC2330];CAIDA(Cooperative Association for In-ternet Data Analysis)是专门对Internet流量进行研究和分析的国际组织。CAIDA已经开发出了许多的工具,对于Internet网络流量进行采集、统计和分析,以期达到全球网络基础设施的合理利用,优化网络拓扑结构,提高网络的使用性能等目的;APAN(Asia-Pa- Internet traffic engineering is defined as that aspect of Internet network engineering dealing with the issue of performance evaluation and performance optimization of operational IP networks. Traffic Engineering encompasses the application of technology and scientific principles to the measurement, characterization, modeling, and control of Internet traffic. There are several research projects are applying their energies to improve the performents of Internet. With the internationalization and advancement of CERNET's operation and management, it's necessary to create the measurement system in the backbone of CERNET. As a result of the application of the solution, we will be able to create Q-Bone in CERNET to provide guaranteed traffic service in high speed.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2001年第10期81-84,共4页 Computer Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(69904006)
关键词 INTERNET 网络性能监测系统 流量工程 Traffic Engineering, Measurement
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