当前 ,对于 Internet性能监控的研究正面临诸多挑战 .国际上有许多针对性能监控问题的研究项目 .这些研究成果都得到了广泛的应用 .然而 ,在性能监控工作中仍然存在许多悬而未决的关键问题 .针对性能监控系统设计中的体系结构问题给出了一个参考模型 .通过对现有研究成果的综述 ,在借鉴现有体系结构模型思想的基础上进行拓展 ,设计了能够全面指导大型计算机互联网络性能监控的 4层体系结构模型 ,并以 CERNET运行性能管理系统为背景分析了模型的实现要点和应用实例 .
The field of Internet monitoring is facing enormous challenges. Being unable to explain or fully understand the phenomenon resulting from network changes limits the ability to continue scaling the Internet and undermine attempts to improve its robustness. Several research efforts are tackling this problem, notably Internet Surveyor project, NLANR AMP project, and so on. Although all these works have proved their applicability in many cases, there are still a number of problems to be considered. This paper addresses and discusses a model for network performance monitoring, which is adopted in the management of China Educational & Research Network, a national wide information network of China. Current state\|of\|the\|art of the Internet performance monitoring is introduced first, which greatly helps to formulate the set of goals and requirements that a large\|scale performance monitoring must meet. Then an architecture model solution to systematize the implementation of Internet monitoring is given. Some key points about how to achieve the model are discussed together with examples of the applications of the model in CERNET's performance monitoring. Finally, it is deduced that the model has great advantages and is suitable to direct the monitoring works of Internet.
Journal of Computer Research and Development
"九五"国家重点科技项目 !(项目编号 96-743 -0 1-0 1)