目的 探讨中华眼镜蛇咬伤致局部组织损伤的最佳治疗方法。 方法 对蛇伤患者分别采用蛇伤药酒外敷、胰蛋白酶或糜蛋白酶局部封闭、抗眼镜蛇毒血清局部封闭共 3种处理方法进行局部治疗 ,观察其疗效。 结果 3种治疗方法从优到劣依次是 :抗眼镜蛇毒血清局部封闭、胰蛋白酶或糜蛋白酶局部封闭、蛇伤药酒外敷。 结论 中华眼镜蛇咬伤致局部组织损伤的治疗方法应首选抗眼镜蛇毒血清局部封闭 ,其次是胰蛋白酶或糜蛋白酶局部封闭 ,最差的是采用蛇伤药酒外敷。
Objectives Studies of the best treatment method of the local tissue damage bited by the chinese cobratoxin. Method 5 3 6 patients are divided 3 groups:(1 ) Anti- cobratoxin serum local blockade,(2 ) trysin or chymotrysin local blockade,and (3 )“Anti - sake drug wine” for external application. Result The advantage methods in oder are (1 ) Anti- Cobratoxin serum local blockade,(2 ) trysin or chymotrysin local blockade,(3 ) “Anti- sake drug wine” for external application. Conclusion The advantage treatment method of the local tissue damages bited by the chinese cobratoxin in oder are:(1 ) Anti- cobratoxin serum local blockade,(2 ) trysin or chymotrysin local blockade,and(3 )“Anti- sake drug wine”for external application. [
Journal of Snake
广东省中医药局科研项目 (编号 :9730 8)