目的:通过对颞叶癫癎患者致癎灶c-fos、fas表达情况的观察,分析发作间期c-fos、fas的表达规律,探讨其与致癎灶形态学改变之间的关系以及在癫癎形成中的可能作用. 方法:以15例颞叶癫癎患者为实验组,选取同一时期行手术治疗而没有癫癎症状的颞叶动静脉畸形患者5例为对照组.分别取颞叶、杏仁核、海马组织进行c-fos、fas免疫组化染色,观察两组表达情况. 结果:①c-fos阳性细胞百分率在实验组为(71.3±7.5)%,对照组为(4.1±2.6)%,亦存在极显著差异(P<0.01).②fas阳性细胞百分率在实验组为(61.4±12.9)%,对照组为(2.0%±1.9)%,亦存在极显著差异(P<0.01).③c-fos表达与癫癇发作的病程、频率及预后无关. 结论:①发作间期存在c-fos的区域性持续性表达,为以后进一步研究c-fos在癫癎形成中的作用打下了基础.②c-fos参与了癫癎的发病过程,并可能在癫癎形成中发挥作用.③fas表达区域与c-fos一致,其表达可能为c-fos蛋白诱导所致;二者都在致癎灶细胞凋亡过程中发挥了作用.④对手术切除标本进行c-fos表达检测,对判断致癎灶切除准确与否可能有一定的指导意义.
Objectives: To observe the interictal expressio n of c-fos and fas in epileptic focus and explore their roles in the morphologi cal changes and epileptogenesis. Methods:Fifteen cases of tempor al lobe epilepsy(TLE) were enrolled in the study, and 5 cases of arteriovenous m alformation(AVM) without epileptic seizures were chosen as controls. The expre ssion of c-fos and fas in the temporal lobe, amygdala and hippocampus in the tw o groups were observed immunohistochemically. Results:①The avera ge rate of positive c-fos cells between the study group and the control were di fferent significantly ( P <0.01).② The average rate of positive fas cells be tween the study group and the control were different significantly( P <0.01). ③The expression of c-fos was not correlated with epileptic course, seizure fre quency and the prognosis. Conclusions:①In interictal period, c -fos expresses continuously and locally.②c-fos is implicated in the epilepto genesis.③The expression of fas seems to be induced by c-fos and both lead to cellular apoptosis.④The detection of c-fos might be useful to confirm the loc alization of epileptic focus.
Journal of Medical Postgraduates