甘肃省河西地区是我国荒漠化发生最严重的地区之一,其荒漠化主要类型有风蚀荒漠化、水蚀荒漠化 和土壤盐渍化.全区现有各类荒漠化土地21.3万km2,其中分布最广泛的沙质荒漠化土地有17.59万 km2.荒 漠化对当地居民的社会经济生活带来了多方面的危害.河西地区荒漠化的形成有其自然和人为两方面的原 因:河西地区自然条件恶劣,干旱,风大,沙多,植被稀疏;以及生产实践中,水、土、植被资源等缺乏科 学、合理的利用是引起荒漠化的主要原因.为了防治和减轻河西地区的荒漠化,提出了几点防治对策:首先 是控制人口增长,提高人口素质;其次是调整产业结构,合理利用资源;第三是加大荒漠化防治的投入.尤 其是防沙治沙中资金、科研、人才的投入,建设重点荒漠化防治项目,使河西地区最普遍的沙质荒漠化得到 遏制;第四是加强管理,提高科学管理水平,加强执法力度.
Hexi region of Gansu Province is one of the most seriously desertified areas in China. It has three major types of desertification: aeolian erosion, aqueous erosion, salinization of alkalization. There are 213 thousands km2 of desertified land in Hexi Region, among which aeolian erosion is widespread and has an area of 174 .9 thousands km2, occupying 82.59% of all desertified land. The desertification hazard in Hexi Region has influenced greatly on people's daily life and the development of local socioeconomy. Though the desertification in Hexi Region comes into being for some natural reasons, human factors are leading of the modern desertification. The poor natural condition such as durative drought, strong wind and rich sand sources and sparse vegetation, and irrational use of water, land and plant resources are major causes for leading to desertification in Hexi Region. In order to prevent and control desertification, and relieve hazard of desertification in Hexi region, we put forward some measures for combating desertification: firstly, controlling popula- tion growth strictly, and promoting population quality. Secondly, adjusting industrial structure to guarantee the rational use of natural resources. Thirdly, increasing input for combating desertification, especially in fund, research and personnel on desert control, and running some key ecological projects, so as to hold back sandy desertification in Hexi region. Fourthly, promoting the management to advanced level, and executing the laws strictly.
Journal of Natural Disasters