将家兔一侧后肢于膝关节伸直位固定 5周 ,造成固定侧胫骨上端骨内高压模型 ,然后静脉注射脉络宁 2周。实验结果证明 :膝关节伸直位固定 5周后 ,固定侧胫骨上端骨内压增高至 3.78± 1.0 2KPa,与对照侧胫骨上端骨内压 2 .2 3± 0 .47KPa相比 ,具有明显差异 (P <0 .0 0 1) ;在骨内高压状态下 ,去甲基肾上腺素引起的骨内压变化幅度同对照侧相比明显降低 (P <0 .0 0 1) ;同时 ,静脉血和骨髓血粘度升高。给予脉络宁治疗 2周后 ,固定侧与对照侧骨内压分别为 2 .42± 0 .43KPa和 2 .33± 0 .39KPa,固定侧骨内压明显下降 ,两侧已无明显差异 (P >0 .0 5 ) ;同时 ,静脉血和骨髓血粘度同正常组相比也无明显差异 (P >0 .0 5 ) ;当骨内压恢复正常时 ,骨内压对去甲基肾上腺素的反应同对照侧也基本一致。本项研究提示 :脉络宁可通过改善全身和局部血液流变学指标 ,降低骨内高压 ;骨内高压状态下 ,骨内压对去甲基肾上腺素的反应性降低说明 ,骨内血管对血管活性物质的反应性降低可能是骨内压增高的重要原因之一 ;脉络宁可使骨内血管对血管活性物质的反应性提高 ,恢复骨内血流的正常调节机制 ,进而从根本上纠正骨内循环动力学异常 ,降低骨内高压。
The model of high intraosseous pressure was caused in rabbit by fixed one knee in straight position for 5 weeks and then treated by Mai Luo Ning for 2weeks.The results demonstrated that the intraosseous was increased significantly by fixed knee for 5 weeks.The intraosseous pressure of tibia in the fixed hind leg was 3.78±1.02Kpa and that of the other was 2.23±0.47Kpa.The difference was significant(P<0.001).The viscosity of venous and marrow blood was increased in these animal models.The changes induced by nonepinephrine was reduced in the fixed leg.The intraosseous pressure decreased apparently by treatment with Mai Luo Ning 2 weeks.The intraosseous pressure of the fixed side and control side after Mai Luo Ning Was 2.42±0.43Kpa and 2.33±0.39Kpa respectively(P>0.05).No significant difference was found in the viscosity of venous and marrow blood when compared with normal rabbits(P>0.05).The reaction of intraosseous pressure to nonepinephrine was same after treatment with Mai Luo Ning.The experiment suggestted that could improve the blood dynamics of venous and marrow blood and reduce the intraosseous pressure.The reduction in reaction of intraosseous pressure to nonepinephrine in high intraosseous pressure suggested that the decrease of sensitivity of bone blood vessels to vasoactive substance might be one important reason of the high intraosseous pressure in the pothphysiologic condition.Mai Luo Ning decreased intraosseous pressure by improving the blood dynamics and the activity of bone blood vessels.
Shandong Journal of Biomedical Engineering