文章运用委托代理理论 ,对如何形成有效的提高高等学校资源利用效率的激励约束机制进行了系统研究。介绍了委托代理关系的基本理论和激励约束机制的主要内容 ,分析了计划经济时期和转型期我国高等教育激励约束机制的特点 ,较详细地论述了如何形成提高高等教育资源利用效率的新型的激励约束机制。
Based on the principal-agent theory, this paper studies on the mechanism of stimulus-control on how to improve the efficiency of resource utilization in universities, introduces the basic theory of principal-agent relation and the major contents of stimulus-control, analyses the stimulus-control characteristics of the Chinese higher education in the peoriod of planned and transferring economy, and then comes to the new mechanism of stimulus and control.
Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing(Social Sciences Edition)