介绍了 Meta图的有关概念 ,提出了基于 Meta图的离散制造业供应链的建模方法 ,给出了基于 BOM表的建模步骤 ,讨论了供应链 Meta图模型的特点 ,对最大 Meta路以及加权 Meta图进行了定义 ,并对供应链中物料的数量关系、成本、时间、生产能力等要素在模型中的表示方法进行了讨论。为用系统化的手段进行供应链管理的定量分析提供了理论基础。最后 ,利用模型对一个微机生产企业的供应链速度、成本、柔性等性能测度进行了定量分析 。
The concept of Metagraph is introduced. A Metagraph based supply chain modeling method and the BOM based modeling steps are proposed and the properties of supply chain metagraph discussed. Within the model we have defined the concepts of the maximum metapath and weighted metagraph, and described how to use the model to express the amount of materials in the BOM as well as the factors such as supply chain total cost, speed and flexibility. The model has both graphical and formal properties, and can be used as a systematic analysis tool for the supply chain. Finally, we use a microcomputer manufacturing supply chain as an example to calculate and to compare the total costs, speeds and flexibilities of four different supply chain alternatives. Results can be used to make decisions before the supply chain has actually been constructed.
Journal of Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics
国家 8 63计划基金(编号 :863 -5 1 1 -0 1 0 -40 3 )资助项目