非接触测量的PDPA系统在Φ3.2m风洞中进行双三角翼速度场试验中 ,采用随测量点位置的移动而进行粒子投放。三维的光路布置则是采用安装在风洞外移测架的横梁上。实验结果表明 ,粒子投放的方法和光路布置及测量是合理的。同时指出 :粒子的投放应该在x/d >45处 。
This paper introduced the Phase Doppler Particle Analyzer technique testing for a non invasion measurement applied to the investigation in a big wind tunnel that included the particle seeded and laser beams arranged in the velocity measurement for 3 D PDPA system. The seeding particle was moved with the location of the measuring point and the laser beams have been fixed on 3 D traverses outside wind tunnel. Meanwhile, pointed out that the location of the Seeding particles should be about x/d >45 at distance upstream. Especially, PDPA system was successfully used to measuring the flow field for double delta wing first time in this Φ 3.2 meter wind tunnel. The experiment results showed that PDPA system would be able to measure the flow field in large wind tunnel at low speed testing investigations by the applying PDPA technique.
Experiments and Measurements in Fluid Mechanics