研究了公交优先信号控制策略 ,模拟路边设立公交车辆检测器的情况下 ,不同交通流量和公交车发车间隔的最优控制策略 .研究发现 :当交通流量小于 30 0辆 /h·车道时 ,公交优先信号控制策略能显著地减少乘客的延误时间 ,而当交通流量达到 5 0 0辆 /h·车道时 ,即使有公交优先信号控制策略 ,而无公交专用道路 ,也不能有效减少乘客的延误时间 .模拟实验的结果是 :找到了使公交优先信号控制有效的交通流量和公交车发车间隔的阈值 .
In this paper, bus priority within traffic signal control strategy is studied and the mathe matical model of control is established, the optimal performance of the model is to minimize the total delay time of passengers. Comparing with the case of no such traffic signal control priority of buses, the simulating results show that: if the traffic volume is under 300/vhl, the passengers delay time will be reduced dramatically in the case of having traffic signal control priority of bu ses; if the traffic volume is over 500/vhl, the passengers delay time will almost be equal either in case of having traffic signal control priority of buses or not.
Journal of Systems Engineering
教育部高等学校骨干教师资助计划项目 (教育部 [2 0 0 0 -65 ] )