对两个玉米种子人工加速老化 ,进行了种子老化过程中生理遗传变化的研究。结果表明 :热水 (5 8± 1℃ )处理种子 ,其电导率随老化时间延长而增加 ;脱氢酶、淀粉酶活性随老化时间的延长、老化程度的加剧而降低 ,并且和各发芽指标呈显著正相关。老化种子萌发 1d的种子胚酯酶同工酶酶谱显示 ,Mo17种子有 3条酶带 (Rf值为 0 .4 4,0 .77,0 .80 )在老化 30min时消失 ;4 78在靠近正极Rf值为 0 .72 ,0 .78的两条弱带在老化 2 5min时消失。
The paper deals with the physiological and genetic changes of two maize seeds (Mo17,478) in their aging course.The results showed that conductivity of the seeds that were treated with hot water of 58±1℃ increased with treating time;the relationship between dehydrogenase,amylase activities and germination index were positively significant respecvtively;the three bands of esterase in Mo17 seed disappeared after aging 30 minutes.the two bands of esterase in 478 seed disappeared after aging 25 minutes.the chromosomal aberration percentage was higher in seeds with lower viability.
Journal of Shanxi Agricultural Sciences
山西省科委自然基金项目 ( 9810 94 )