目的 :研究贵州和广东产野菊花挥发油的化学成分。方法 :采用CO2 超临界萃取法分别提取两省产的野菊花挥发性成分 ,用气相色谱 /质谱进行分离测定 ,结合计算机检索技术对分离的化合物进行结构鉴定 ,应用色谱峰面积归一化法测定各成份的相对百分含量。结果 :贵州产野菊花得率 3.4% ,鉴定出 6 0个化学成份 ;广东产野菊花得率 3.0 % ,鉴定出 6 1个化学成份。结论 :野菊花挥发性成分主要为单萜烯类、倍半萜烯类及其含氧衍生物、三萜类化合物和脂肪族化合物等。证明不同产地的野菊花 。
OBJECTIVE:The studies on the chemical components of the volatile oil from the flowers of Chrysanthemum indicum L. in Guizhou and Guangdong. METHODS: The essential oil were obtained by supercritical fluid extraction(SFE) . The chemical components were separated and identified by GC MS. The relative contents in the volatile oils were determined by area nomalization. RESULTS: The extraction efficiency of Chrysanthemum indicum L. from Guizhou was 3.4%, and 60 chemical components were separated and identified. The extraction efficiency of Chrysanthemum indicum L. from Guangdong was 3.0%, and 61 chemical components were separated and identified. CONCLUSION: Monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes and their oxo derivatives are the major chemical in the oil from the flowers of Chrysanthemum indicum L.,There are differences in the amount and components of volatile oil from Chrysanthemnm indicum L.growing in Guizhou and Guangdong province.
West China Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences