永春盛产柑桔 ,从柑桔皮中提取果胶 ,对综合利用资源 ,减少环境污染 ,有重要实际意义 .但从永春柑桔皮中提取果胶 ,尚未见报道 .本文研究从永春柑桔皮中提取果胶以及所提取果胶的成分含量 .
Oranges abound in the county of YongChun. Obviously the re have important practical significance to extract pectin from oranges, as to the comprehensive utilization of the resources and the reduction of the environment al pollution. Moreover, it has not been reported up to now. In this article, how to extract pectin from the peels of oranges is studied, and the ingredient of p ectin is detected, too.
Journal of Quanzhou Normal University
泉州师范学院专款资助科研项目 (1999-Ⅱ - 2 6)