以不同时期有不同的“老子”这一老学发展的共同规律为背景 ,对北宋儒家人物司马光、王安石、苏辙等的老学思想进行了简要分析。他们虽属于当时儒学中的不同派别 ,但同以儒家道德性命之学解《老子》,这种做法反映了宋代老学的独特风貌。他们的老学思想不仅体现出一种鲜明的时代精神 。
In the light of the background that there is different 'Lao Tse'in different historical period, this paper makes a concise analysis on the Lao Tse′s theories of Si Maguang, Wang Anhsi and Su Zhe. Although they were the representatives of the different Confucian School, they annotated Lao Tse in the same way. Their theories of Lao Tse not only showed clear cut spirit of the time, but also had a great effect on the New Confucianism.
Journal of Northwest University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition