磁驱动偶合器是一种非接触型动力传动装置 .在推导出磁驱动偶合器的磁力矩公式的基础上 ,对磁偶合器的各主要部分进行各种因素分析比较 ,提出优化设计思路 ,解决了磁体长和气隙长之比问题、长径比问题、最大磁力矩和最短磁路问题、相对位移角和磁极张角的比率问题 .
Magnetic coupling driver is a kind of non-contact dynamical transmitting device, as an application of permanent-magnet material in engineering and technology. This paper gives the formula of moment of magnetic force and makes the optimization-design analysis of columnar push-pull magnetic driver. The problems under discu ssion include the length ratio of magnetic body and air aperture, the length ratio of axis length and diameter of magnetic body, the relation of maximal moment of magnetic force and magnetic circuit shortcut, the ratio of relative displacement angle and magnetic pole angular breadth. Moreover, the advantages and disadvantages are discussed.
Journal of Zhengzhou University of Technology
河南省科技攻关项目 (984 60 0 0 0 )