甘油在有碱参与的条件下能与三氧化二锑很好地发生反应 ,生成甘油亚锑酸钠 ,溶液在一定的碱浓度下保持稳定。氧化铜、氧化铋、氧化铅也能反应生成双金属醇盐 ,而氧化态的银被还原生成金属银。用甘油、木糖醇等低炭多元醇的强碱水溶液处理复杂的含Au、Ag物料时 ,贱金属氧化物生成双金属醇盐溶解脱除的同时 ,Au、Ag等贵金属被富集在渣中。可用电沉积或中和水解的方法从醇盐溶液中回收各种有价金属 ,并实现甘油等低炭多元醇的循环再生 ,为处理复杂的含金银物料提供了
Trioxide antinomy can be dissolved in the solution of sodium hydroxide and glycerin and the new product is sodium antimonite containing glycerin.The solution is in a steady state under a certain concentration of sodium hydroxide.The oxides of base metal such as copper,lead,bismuth can be dissolved in the solution and bimetals alkoxide can be produced accordingly.While the silver oxide will be reduced into silver.Therefore,precious metals,such as gold and silver can be enriched in the residue and the base metal such as copper,lead and antimony are dissolved in the solution when the gold and silver-bearing material is treated.The metals can be recycled from solution after leaching and glycerin(xylitol)can be recycled by neutralization or electrodeposition.
Precious Metals