把带权的排序问题 1 |∑wj Cj 表示成一个二次规划 ,证明这个二次规划最优解的充分必要条件是成立 WSPT规则 ,从而也证明 WSPT规则是带权排序问题的充分必要条件 .同时还证明了 1 |∑wj Cj问题目标函数的的最小值是 ∑ni=1∑ij=1pπ( j) wπ( i) 。
We express the weighted scheduling problem 1‖∑w jC j in the form of quadratic programming and prove that a sequence is optimal in terms of both the quadratic programming and the weighted scheduling problem 1‖∑w jC j if and only if it is the WSPT. Thus we lay a foundation for studying other weighted scheduling problems using the quadratic programming.
Journal of Shanghai Normal University(Natural Sciences)