使用集成于 CAD之上的模拟软件 De ST ( Designer's Simulation Toolkit)对北京的若干幢住宅建筑进行了详细的热环境分析 . De ST中的模型使用状态空间法计算房间的冷、热负荷和热特性 .计算中考虑建筑外表面的阴影遮挡 ,最后得到的结果是基础室温和冷热负荷 .从结果可以看出建筑设计对于节能的重要性 ,同时不同的围护结构保温和外窗遮阳也对室内热环境有很大影响 .所有计算的建筑保温均好于北京采暖节能住宅的围护结构传热系数限值 ,使其热负荷低于北京节能住宅的采暖耗热量指标 .通过对不同建筑的比较还可以得出建筑的朝向、体形系数、窗墙比、通风方式与建筑能耗之间的关系 .不同房间的冷负荷则根据其所处的楼层和朝向而各有不同 .其中最突出的问题是由于屋顶保温的相对不足 ,使顶层房间的冷负荷大大高于其它楼层的房间 .可见冬季的围护结构传热系数限值无法满足夏季的要求 ,制定这方面的节能标准迫在眉睫 .在北京的热网计量收费改革之后 ,对房间采暖又提出了新的要求 (比如采暖的快速启动 ,以及实现冬季室温可调 ) .最后 ,还分析了夏季自然通风对建筑节能的巨大效果 。
With the help of CAD based simulation software-DeST(Designer's Simulation Toolkit), a detailed thermal analysis on several residential buildings in Beijing are carried out. The calculation results turned out to be base temperature and load of the room. The shading on the exterior surface of the building is considered in the calculation. The results proved the importance of the building design on energy conservation and indicate different thermal insulation and window shading's influence on indoor thermal environment. By comparison of different buildings, the relationships between orientation, shape factor, windows wall ratio, ventilation mode and the energy consumption are represented. The heat load of these buildings is lower than the code of heat conservation in Beijing, but after the consumption based billing of centralized space heating system, new demands such as the quick start of heating in room are necessary. The cold load of different room changes according to different floor and orientation. The cold load of room on the top floor is much higher than the that of the room below mainly because of the insulation's relative deficiency of the roof. And the effect of natural ventilation on energy consumption in summer is analyzed, the result indicating that natural ventilation is an effective mode to implement sustainable development of the residential building. Finally, some conflicts about energy conservation is discussed in order to achieve the minimum energy consumption in the whole year.
Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology(Natural Science Edition)
simulation analysis
thermal performance
thermal environment
residential building