模拟技术自上世纪 60年代应用于建筑业以来 ,取得了许多重要的成果 ,形成了若干建筑模拟软件。清华大学建筑技术科学系自 80年代开始开发具有自己鲜明特点的建筑环境设计模拟分析软件—DeST(designer’ssimulationtoolkits)。DeST可用于建筑能耗模拟和环境控制系统的设计校核 ,起到提高设计质量、保证设计可靠性和降低系统能源消耗的作用。介绍了建筑模拟技术的发展历史 ,总结比较了各类模拟软件的特点 ,介绍了DeST的整体思想和构架 。
Many building simulation programs (BSPs) have been developed since the computer aided simulation technology was applied in the field of HVAC in 1960. In 1980s, the Department of Building Science of Tsinghua University has started to develop China's first building simulation tool. DeST ( Designer's Simulation Toolkits) is an important achievement based on the developers' effort in some twenty years. DeST can be used to simulate and analyses the building energy consumption and HVAC system design, so as to improve the quality of design, ensure the reliability of design and reduce the energy consumption of buildings. Reviews the state of the art on the development of building simulation technology, summarizes the characteristics of current BSPs, and describes the basic idea, construction and applications of DeST.
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