花生接种PStV后 30d取叶片进行超薄切片置于电镜下观察 ,在花 37和白沙 10 16两个品种发病叶片的叶肉细胞中均发现有多种形状的内含体和病毒粒子的存在 ;内含体多发现于细胞核周围 ,有风轮状、束状、管状和环状等 ;病毒粒子以束状或拟晶格状存在 ,且以高感品种白沙 10 16叶肉细胞内的含量较多。PStV对叶绿体和线粒体等细胞器的结构有破坏作用 ,表现为叶绿体畸形 ,类囊体片层减少 ,基粒缩小且排列不整齐 ,并有大量淀粉粒累积 ,部分线粒体出现肥大和自溶。此外 ,感病细胞的膜系统松弛 ,有膜溶解现象。上述病理结构变化均以高感品种白沙 10 16表现的更为明显。
Ultrathin sections of leaf tissues of two peanut varieties 30 days after infected with PStV were examined in the electron microscope. The inclusions typical of potyviruses, including pinwheels, bundles, and tubers were observed in the cytoplasm of the diseased cells. Aggregates of virus-like particles were observed near vacuoles in the cytoplasm of diseased leaves. The virus particles in the high sensitive variety Baisha1016 were more than those in the tolerant ones. The chloroplast structure was destroyed by PStV. There were fewer granums and numerous amyloplastids in chloroplast of infected cells. In infected cells, some mitochondria expanded and destructed, and the cell plasma membrane and endoplasmic reticulum loosed or destructed. Chloroplast and mitochondria are destroyed more seriously in infected cells of the high susceptible cultivar Baisha1016 than in those of the tolerant cultivar Hua37.