我国的企业在加入WTO后 ,面临众多的竞争 ,但归根到底是人才的竞争。我们必须未雨绸缪 ,在人力资源的开发和使用上 ,做好应战的准备 ,迎接我国加入WTO的新挑战。本文首先分析了人才竞争的趋势和特点 ,接着剖视了国有企业在人才竞争中面临的困境 ,最后提出了入世后人才竞争的对策措施 ,对国有企业具有一定的预警和借鉴意义。
After the accession of the WTO, our state-owned enterprises will meet severe competitions, yet, in the final analysis, the human resources will be in the dominant position. We must take a precaution measures towards the development and right use of human resources in the preparation for the WTO to meet with the new challenge. The paper mainly divided into three parts to illustraste: firstly, the analysis of the tendency and the characteristics of the human resources competition, secondly, the difficulty position in the human resources competition met by the state-owned enterprises, and thirdly, the strategy for the human resources competition after the WTO. The author thinks it is the critical time to raise this subject and also quite meaningful for the state-owned enterprises development.
Journal of Central University of Finance & Economics