
我国伊蚊—新亚属及—新种(双翅目:蚊科) 被引量:4

A New Subgenus and Species of the Aedes (Diptera: Culicidae) from Yunnan, China
摘要 1985年6月,在进行滇西类业区系调查中采获一批伊蚊,经鉴定,发现1新亚属,现将该亚属及1新种描述如下。华蚊亚属Sinoaedes,新亚属 亚属特征:雌蚊 中型,暗黑色,具银白鳞饰。触须暗色。喙暗色。前胸前背片平覆宽白鳞。中胸盾片平覆褐色窄鳞;小盾片三叶状,具宽鳞;后背片光裸。有气门后鬃;有1根中胸下后鬃。翅鳞暗色。各足除股节腹面具白色区外,一致暗色。腹节暗色。 Sinoaedes Gong et Lu, Subg. nov.Female: dark, medium-sized mosquito. palpus dark, much shorter than proboscis. proboscis dark. Apn covered with white broad flat scales, scutal scales narrow, lobes of scutellum all covered with broad scales. postnotum bare. postspiracular and lower epimeral bristles present. Wing with dark scales. alula with broad. decumbent scales. Squama with narrow hair-like scales. Legs dark except femora. Abdomen dark, terga Ⅱ-Ⅶ with white basolateral markings. Male; Antenna subplumose with two terminal pints greatly elongate. Basimere with subapical strong setae; basomesal lobe with a row of strong setae curved at tips and some slender setae; stem of claspette stout and short, with two clusters of long setae. Distimere long, somewhat falci form at the tip.Larva: Very close to those of the genus Heizmannia Ludow, antenna smooth; 4-C well developed; 6-C usually with two unequal branches; siphon with free acus; 4-X less developed.Type species: Aedes(Sinoaedes) accidentayunnanus, sp. nov.Aedes (Sinoaedes) occidentayunnanus sp. nov.The new species is monotypic to the subgenus, with main characters shown above.The new subgenus, and its monotypic species are quite different from the other subgenera in the genus Aedes. Comparatively, it is close to the subgenus Stegomyia Theobald, particularly in larval characters.It also shares many characters with the subgenus Mattinglyia Lien in the genus Heizmannia. However, its narrow scutal scales may readily separate it from the latter. The larvae of the new species are even closer to those of Mattinglyia. Although 6-C is not prominent before 4-C, it bears unequal branches characteristic of most larvae of Heizmannia. The discovery of the new subgenus may strengthen the further evidence of the close relationship between the genera Aedes and Heizmannia in the tribe Aecini.Holotype (?), allotype (?), paratypes 7 (?) (?) 5 (?) (?), all collected from Longchuan County (98°?E. 24.34°?N. Lat.), Yunnan Province, 1985-Ⅵ, Gong Zhengda. All the type specimens ar
出处 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 1991年第1期55-59,共5页 昆虫分类学报(英文)
关键词 蚊科 伊蚊属 新亚属 新种 Diptera-Taxonomy/ Culicidae, Aedes. Sinoaedes, New Subgenus, New Species.
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