目的 克山病 (KSD)和大骨节病 (KBD)两病病因至今尚未明了 ,特调查病区粮食真菌及其毒素在两病病因中的作用。方法 用病例对照研究结合实验病理学验证以探索粮食内可疑致病真菌及其相关毒素质量与两病发病的关系。结果 ① 40 2份小麦内培养出的优势菌为链格孢霉 ,其检出率与两病发病之间未见统计学联系 ,未培养出镰刀菌 ;② 2 4份小麦和 2 3份小麦面粉样品内未检出 1 1种镰刀菌毒素中的任一毒素 ,1 4 3份小麦、玉米样品内未检出AOH、AME和ZEN ;③化学纯品T 2毒素 (1 0 0 μg·kg- 1BW·d)致雏鸡KBD模型实验和链格孢霉培养粮 (含AOH 6 5 1 9μg/ g饲料 )致雏鸡KSD、KBD模型实验 ,均未见动物心肌损害和软骨损害等 ;④T 2毒素和MON实验组内 ,检出小型猪关节软骨OC—Ⅲ型损害 ,后一结果对KBD病因研究的参考价值需待更多工作之后才好判定。结论 病例对照研究和实验病理学综合结果不支持两病病因镰刀菌毒素中毒说和链格孢霉毒素中毒说。建议多家协作 ,重复粮食真菌及其毒素的检测 ,以便对两病真菌毒素病因说作出最终评价。
Objective he causes of both Keshan disease( KS D) and KaschinBeck disease(KBD) are unknown as yet, so, the role of fungi and their toxins in foods from the diseaedareas in both causes of KSD and KBD were investigated. Methods The relationship between the kind and quantity of d oubtable causative fungi and their toxins in food and the incidences of KSD and KBD was probed by a casecontrol study combined with pathological experimental verification. ResultsThe preponderant fungus cultured from 402 samples o f wheat was alternaria. There was not a statistical relationship between discove ry rate of alternaria in the wheat and the incidences of both diseases. No fusar ium was cultured from the 402 samples of wheat. ~{'Z~}None of 11 kinds of fusariot oxins was searched from out of 24 samples of wheat and 23 samples of wheat flour . AOH, AME and ZEN were not searched from 143 samples of wheat and maize. ~{'[~}When experimental models of KBD in chickens was induced with chemical product T2 t oxin(100~{&L~}gkg~{*,*)~}-1~{**~} BW. d)and of KSD and KBD in chickens were induced with a ~{!<~}JP2~{!=~} feed in which alternaria was cultured(containing AOH 65.19~{&L~}g/g),~{!<~}KG(*9 ~{!=~}no damage in hearts, cartilages and others of animals were seen.~{'\~}When experim ental model of KBD in minipigs was induced with chemical product T2 toxin and MON, OC~{*2's~} ty pe damages in articular cartilages of the animals were discovered. The consultan t value of the results on the causal study of KBD can be judged only after more work has been done. ConclusionThe hypotheses that fusariotoxin or alternariatoxin were the causes of both diseases haven't been supported by the results of case control study and pathological experimental verification in this paper. The auth ers suggest that more institutes participating this research collaborate and rep eatedly probe on the fungi and their toxins in foods, so that the final conclusi ons to evaluate the hypotheses that fungous toxins were the ca uses of both diseases will be made.
Journal of Xi'an Medical University(Chinese)
"八五"国家重点科技攻关项目〔85 91 7 0 1 0 2 / 0 3 〕