目的 :探讨抑郁症患者的认知功能状况。方法 :对 3 1例抑郁症患者进行威氏康星卡片分类测验 (WCST)测定 ,其中 19例测试了事件相关电位 (P3 0 0 )及韦氏智测。对 3 0名正常对照者也进行了WCST测定及韦氏智测。结果 :抑郁症患者WCST中的非持续错误较对照组明显增多 ,韦氏智测中的数字符号、数字广度测验成绩明显低于对照组。患者的P3 0 0 与WCST测验结果无显著性相关 ,而与韦氏智测中的有关项目呈显著相关。结论
Objective: To study cognitive dysfunction in depression Method: 31 depressive patients were assessed with Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) and 19 of them were examined with event-related potential (P300) and Wechsler Adult In telligence Scale (WAIS-RC) 30 normal control also received WCST and WAIS-RC Results: There were more non-perspective errors in depressive pa tients than control Patients had poorer achievements in number symbol and digi t span sub-tests of WAIS-RC than control There was no relation between result o f P300 and result of WCST, but some correlation existed between result of P300 an d results of some sub-scales of WAIS-RC Conclusion: Patients w ith depression have cognitive dysfunction
Chinese Mental Health Journal