配制了普通电瓷和高强度电瓷配料 ,制成坯样 ,分析了其理化性能 ;对烧成试样作了强度实验 ,发现含Al2 O3高的试样强度远高于含Al2 O3低的试样。再对试样进一步作XRD衍射及偏光显微镜定性分析 ,结果表明 :Al2 O3含量提高有助于提高玻璃相强度 ;高强度试样以刚玉、莫来石为主晶相 ,且尺寸细小、晶粒均匀程度高 ;
The blanks for general electric porcelain and high strength electric porcelain are prepared. The comparative analysis of its XRD diffracted ray and physical & chemical properties, and the qualitative and quantitative analysis using polarized light microscope are carried out. It is concluded that increasing of the content of Al 2O 3, reducing of the crystallite dimension and raising of the homogeneous degree of the grain are conducive to increasing of the porcelain's strength.