大豆蛋白纤维及其交织物本身表现出一定的干弹回复性,但湿弹性较低。经四种整理 剂(马来酸均聚物DP60、聚氨酯乳液VU、低甲醛树脂整理剂GO-810、交联剂DINF和柔软 剂SIL的混合液)分别整理后,大豆蛋白纤维及其交织物的干湿回弹性得到提高,干弹回复 角达到280度左右,最高达到295度,经DINF+SIL整理剂整理后的织物表现出较好的湿折 皱回复性。焙烘温度对大豆蛋白纤维织物的白度影响很小,整理织物的强力下降不大,整 理织物的强力保留率都在85%以上。
Soybean fahric and spybean fiber containing Meads exhibit high levels of dry wrinkle resistance but low levels-of wet wrinkle resistance, Four finishing agents, i.e, ahomopolymer of maleie acid DP60, polyurethane tesin VU, low fonnaldehyde resin GQ-810 and Crosslink-ing Agent DINF; were used to finish -soybean fabric and soybean fiber containing blends.The dry wrinkle recovery angles of finished fabrics increase to 280-295 degrees,and the fabrics finished by a mixture of Crosslinking Agent DINF -and softener SILexhibit good wet erease-resist properties, Curing temperature almost has no effect on the whiteness of fabrics. The tensile strength retention of finished fabrics exceeds 85%.