水电工程中 ,大面积墙体的建筑装修 ,历来是一个较难解决的问题。三峡工程左岸电站主厂房下游立面总面积为 2 0 90 0 m2 ,设计单位定为永久性不装修墙面 ,并提出了较高的质量要求 ,在施工中引进了芬兰 WISA模板的先进工艺 ,取得了比较理想的效果。该项技术可供大型水电站工程设计、施工人员参考。
In hydropower projects,the architectural fitment of large area walls has always been a difficult problem.The downstream wall of the Three Gorges powerhouse with a total area of 20 900m 2 is designed as permenantly unfit up wall with high construction quality requirements. Its construction adopted the advanced technology of Fenland WISA formwork and obtained satisfactory results.As the construction supervisor,the author involved in the trial use of WISA formwork and gained some experience.The paper presents a summery of its application in large hydropower project.
Northwest Hydropower