金陵大学和金陵女子大学是旧中国较早设置社会学系及开设社会工作课程、成立社会工作专业的高校。其最显著的特色是注重社会实践。在我国缺乏社会工作专业人才的情况下 ,金大金女大积极协助各机关团体 ,开展社会福利事业和社会救济工作 ,为其培养输送社会工作专业人才 ,为中国社会工作的发展做出了贡献。同时 ,它把西方社会工作的个案、群体、社区工作的方法介绍到中国 ,在促进中国传统慈善事业向现代社会工作的转变方面发挥了积极作用 。
Both Jinling University and Jinling Girls' University were among the earliest in old China which had sociology department,offered courses on social work and set up the major of social work.When China lacked specialized talents of social work,these two universities helped various organizations to do social welfare services,social relief work and at the same time fostered specialized talents of social work for these organizations,thus making great contributions to the development of social work in China.Meanwhile,they introduced the methods of case study,group study and community work adopted in western social work,which played an active part in promoting the transition from traditional Chinese charities to modern social work and in propelling the development of the specialization of social work in China.
Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Social Science Edition)