分形数学是新近发展起来以研究自然界复杂的无法用传统数学理论去描述的现象和过程为对象的数学理论。而RS和GIS的结合是目前遥感图像研究的热点。本文用 3种方法来计算选定图像的分形维数。这 3种方法分别是分线法 ,坡面法和三棱柱法 ,其中坡面法是作者提出的一种新方法。本文在GIS支持下用Matlab实现了 3种算法 ,并用此法计算出了 3种地形 (城市 ,农田和湖泊 )的分形维数。
Fractal mathematics is one new theory for researching the natural complex phenomena and the procedure that can't be described with traditional mathematics theory.The combination of RS and GIS for the researching of remote sensing image is a hotspot nowadays.Three methods for calculation of fractal dimension are discussed in this paper.These methods are line-divider method,slope-direction method and triangular method.In this paper,the authors use these methods to calculate the fractal dimension of three different objects(city,farmland and lake).
Northeast Surveying and Mapping