近年来上海地区洪涝灾害时有发生,造成洪涝灾害的主要原因有暴雨、风暴潮、黄浦江上游洪水等自然因素, 但与人类活动所产生地质环境变化也有密切的关系,其中地面沉降是使上海市防汛压力不断增大的一个重 要因素! 地面沉降使上海市区地面标高严重降低,所形成的地面沉降洼地已改变了区域地貌形态,并使市区河床 相对治高,部分地区已形成了“地上河”。同时,地面沉降直接降低了防汛(洪)设施的防御能力,导致高潮位 时河水的漫溢和倒灌,增加了发生管涌等地质灾害的隐患。60年代采取控制措施以来,上海市地面沉降防治 取得了很好的成效,但其产生的影响是长期、严重的。加大减灾力度、实行综合治理,在有效防治洪涝灾害的 同时全面提高地面沉降防治水平是促进上海可持续发展重要环节。
Under the condition of the standard flood prevention, Shanghai also faces serious pressure when high rain, storm tide and upriver floods from Huangpu river. Through the analysis of flood and waterlog in Shanghai , one of the important factors is land subsidence. Shanghai urban altitude has been lowed by subsidence, regional landform has been changed , riverbed has been relatively driven up and become ' overgroun driver' , thus standard of flood prevention establishment has been lowed directly. Shanghai flood prevention will be seriously influenced by land subsidence in a long -term!