目的 :为拇指再造和断趾再植提供断面解剖学资料。方法 :用 3 0例 (男 1 8,女 1 2 )成人第二趾 ,经火棉胶包埋及切片 ,对趾跖固有动脉和神经的位置、管径进行了观测。结果 :趾跖胫侧固有动脉和神经多数出现在 8、9区 ,其截面积分别为 0 .3 9~ 0 .48mm2 和 0 .66~ 0 .85mm2 之间。趾跖腓侧固有动脉和神经多数出现在 4、5区 ,其截面积分别为 0 .3 1~ 0 .3 9mm2 和 0 .5 2~ 0 .90mm2 之间。结论 :神经和同名动脉基本上位于同一区内。
To provide sectional infomation for the reconstruction of the second digit of foot. Methods: The sections were made on the second digit of foot from 30 adults. The position diameter of the arteries and nerves were observed and measured. Results: The average setional area of the tibial proper plantar arteries and nerves was from 0.39 mm 2 to 0.48 mm 2 and from 0.66 mm 2 to 0.85 mm 2 respectively. The average sectional area of the fibular proper plantar arteries and nerves was from 0.31 mm 2 to 0.39 mm 2 and from 0.52 mm 2 to 0.90 mm 2 respectively. Conclusion: The nerve and its accompanying artery are about in the same region.
Chinese Journal of Anatomy