通过系统的试验研究,探索出了季铵型阳离子醚化剂CHPTA的最佳合成工艺条件,所制备的CHPTA有效活性物含量达到69.5%以上,环氧氯丙烷EPI残留量<5 mg/kg,二氯丙醇DCP含量<15 mg/kg 达到进口样品的水平。在以干法或湿法工艺制备阳离子淀粉的应用中,其反应效率和应用效果与进口样品完全一致。
: The most preferable synthesis process for chlorohydroxypropyltrimethylammonium chlorideCHPTA is discussed in which the quality of product prepared by this process is equivalent to that of import product,and especially the content of active CHPTA is over 69.5% the residue of epichlorohydrin and content of DCP is lower than a5mg/kg and 15mg/kg respectively.The reaction efficiency and application effect of this product are absolutely identical to that of import product when CHPTA is applied to prepare cationic starch by dry-method or wet-method.
Paper Chemicals