对跑道容量影响最大的因素是连续飞机流之间的间隔。对等待降落的航班飞机重新排序优化 ,充分利用跑道容量 ,并使等待队列中所有航班的等待成本总和最小是实现空中交通管理自动化的主要研究方向之一。然而 ,最简单和直观的优化算法是对所有需要排序的飞机进行全排列 ,分别计算总成本并选出最优解。但这种循环排列算法的计算量随着飞机数量的增加成指数级上升 ,对所有飞机运用会导致严重的运算量问题。与其它算法不同 ,本文提出的优化窗算法的计算量近似为飞机架数的线性函数 ,从而满足了较长飞机队列的实时排序要求。它的另外一个特点是可以灵活设定优化标准和改变位置约束范围。对某机场的仿真结果验证了本文方法的实用性。
The simplest and most intuitive method for scheduling all arrival aircraft has proven to be increasingly not cost effective as the number of arrival aircraft rapidly increases. Thus, there have come into existence several cost effective methods for such scheduling to satisfy the requirements of air traffic management. To our best knowledge, the optimal window algorithm that we propose is another cost effective method that is better than existing ones in three aspects. Firstly, the number of arrival aircraft can be as many as 30 or even more; our achievement is made possible by flexibly specifying the size and the sliding step size of window. Secondly, the introduction of cost function enables main factors that influence aircraft scheduling to be weighed and considered. Thirdly, the constraint of aircraft position shift can be specified flexibly and varied easily in accordance with actually existing conditions.
Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University
西北工业大学民航工程学院 2 11工程子项目及"双新工程"资助