分析了支持经营过程重组的建模仿真平台的功能需求 ,以实体和控件的概念为基础提出离散型制造企业经营过程建模方法。文中提出的建模方法可以直接应用于经营过程动态仿真 。
It presents that research of business process modeling is the premises of business process reengineering(BPR), and has great effort. However, the mode ling theory is still not mature due to the disadvantages of currently used metho ds. The paper analyzes the functional requests to BPR-supporting modeling and si mulation platform, and puts forward the concept of entity and controller to mode l organize structure and business process rules. With this model the dynamic bus iness processes can be simulated. The application proves that this method provid es the base of dynamic simulation and quantitative analysis of business processe s.
Machine Design and Manufacturing Engineering