铜及黄铜基体表面的Ni P化学镀 ,需要引发才能进行。无论采取活性金属在镀液中的接触引发 ,还是采取阴极电流诱发 ,都说明了铜或黄铜基体上的化学镀Ni P合金的诱发过程是一个电化学过程 ,即吸附在基体表面上的Ni2 +得到电子后还原成镍并沉积在基体表面 ,然后镍表面自催化使得沉淀反应自行进行下去。
Electroless Ni P alloy plating on braze or brass surface needs a inducing process.The process was studied with cathode current and with touch of active metal in the bath. The results indicated that inducing process o f electroless Ni P alloy plating on braze or brass surface is a electrochemical process, that is Ni 2+ which has been adsorbed on substrate surface change d into Ni and deposited on the suface after gaining electrons, then self catalytic re action went on continously and automaticlly.It was shown that there was a electr ochemical process in electroless Ni P plating reaction, when brass plates plate d with Ni P alloy were taken as inducing materials. In addition, brass can not induce spontaneously electroless nickel plating reaction and the relevant experi ments and deduction showed the correctness that a 'electrons share'trend exist ed in brass.
Materials Protection