美国副总统戈尔关于数字地球的演讲引起许多国家政界、学术界的关注。数字地球对实现经济社会可持续发展和拓展科技自主创新能力等战略目标具有极其重要的意义。数字地球作为地球科学与信息科学的集成 ,对地质勘探。
Digital Earth speech by U.S. Vice president Al Gore has been paid much attention from the politicians and scientists in many countries of the world. Digital Earth not only can be used to increase economy and society sustainable development, but also would accelerate the ability on the creativity of science and technology. Digital Earth technology is specially suited to geo-sciences. It would exert an important role and an extensive influence on geological exploration and mineral resources.
Surveying and Mapping of Geology and Mineral Resources