介绍基于G IS的矿产资源预测现状和基本方法,在前人研究成果的基础上,提出基于G IS的矿产资源预测需要解决的关键问题,包括多源矿产地质数据的高效组织和管理,矿产资源预测中的时空数据模型,G IS矿产资源预测系统与专家知识、专家系统的结合,以及数字化的质量及效率问题等。对其中一些关键问题提出相应的研究思路。
The authors introduce the status quo and methods for prediction of mineral resources based on GIS. Some problems need to be tackled with such as the organization and management of the mass geological data, spatial - temporal model for prediction of the mineral resource,the combination and the prediction system based on the GIS with the expert knowledge or the expert system,the quality and efficiency of the digitalization.
Resources Environment & Engineering