电力系统作为一个复杂的大型系统 ,具有维数高、目标多、约束复杂等难点。作者从系统学的角度出发 ,将电力系统成本综合优化管理问题 ,分解为电源优化规划、电网优化规划、工程项目建设优化管理、燃料优化管理、经济调度、维修优化、负荷最优控制等。在此基础上讨论了它们之间的相互联系与协调 ,并以系统工程的观点探讨电力成本总体优化的途径与方法。本文重点探讨电源与电网的优化规划。
The electric power system is a complex and large system with high dimensions, multi objectives and complicated constraints. Based on the systematic methods, the power system cost synthetic optimal managment is divided into the power sources optimal planning, the power networks optimal planning, the engineering projects construction optimal management, fuel optimal management, economic dispatch, economic maintenance optimization, loads optimal control and so on. And, the relationship and the cordination among them are discessed. From the systems engineering point of view. the method for the overall electric power cost optimization is explored. The electric power sources planning and the networks planning are main points in this paper.
Modern Electric Power