古典诗词中意象因袭是很常见的现象 ,被频繁袭用的意象已演变为公共意象。虽然公共意象可以靠相互夹带、时空叠合的方式时时翻出新意 ,其审美创造性毕竟大打折扣。元曲作家曾采用直陈的写法颠覆传统审美意象体系 ,然而意象不足也就意味着诗意不足。明清诗歌重回因袭唐诗意象的老路 ,古典诗歌终于走到了历史的尽头。
The coped images are common in the classical poetry. Images frequently followed by have become the public images. They may support each other by company and may produce new meaning at times by their piling up in time and space. However, their aesthetic creativeness become abated. Lots of writers in the Yuan Dynasty employ the direct narrative to overturn the traditional system of aesthetic images. The narrative without image means the loss of poetic quality. The poetic writings of Ming and Qing Dynasties follow the image patterns of Tang poetry and are short of creativeness. At last, the classical poetry has come to an end.
Journal of Zhengzhou University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition