在河底管道的设计及运营过程中,应严格控制管道的悬空段长度,使之小于管道的 极限冲刷长度,以避免管道因涡流作用发生剧烈振动,确保管道安全。介绍一种新方法—— 状态矩阵分析,该法将悬空管段两端的管道处理成Winkle弹性地基上的半无限长梁,然后考 虑入土段和悬空段在边界处的变形协调条件,以确定管道横向振动的自振频率,最后利用自 振频率与涡流激振频率相等时的共振条件确定管道极限冲刷长度。
During the engineering and operation of river bottom pipeline one must strict limit the free spanning length in the scope of maximum erosion to avoid t he intensive vibration of pipeline caused by the vortex flow, and to ensure pipe line safety. Introduced a new method of State matrix analysis for free spanning length of river bottom pipeline. According to this method the pipeline in the tw o ends of the free spanning are considered as infinite semi-beams on Winkle elas tic foundation, and then considered the deformation condition at the boundary be tween the buried part in soil and the free spanning part pipeline to determine t he inherent frequency of transverse vibration of the pipeline. Finally using the resonance condition, when the inherent frequency equals the vortex induced freq uency, calculated the maximum length of erosion.
Petroleum Planning & Engineering