启发式教学是教师从学生的实际出发 ,采取各种有效的形式 ,调动和维持学生的积极性、主动性和独立性 ,指导学生学习的一种教学方式 .在体育教学中 ,如何运用启发式教学 ,本文从教学的准备部分、教学手段、组织教学、整理活动等方面进行了论述 .
Elicitation method of teaching can be defined as follows: the teacher should base himself on the student's reality by employing different effective means, motivate and sustain the activeness, initiativeness and independence of them, so as to successfully guide their study. How to apply elicitation method of teaching in P.E? Here in this article it is discussed from preparation、 teaching method、 orginization to ending activity and other concerning activities.
Journal of Luoyang Normal University