宝鸡方言语音与普通话语音在声母、韵母、声调等三个方面都存在一定的差异 ,但它们各自都有对应的规律 ,就宝鸡方音与普通话语音声母的对应而言 ,在翘舌音与平舌音、双唇音与唇齿音、尖音与团音、前鼻音与边音、送气音与不送气音等方面 。
There are differences between Baoji dialect and standard Chinese in the initials and finals of syllables and tones, each having their correspondence rules. In terms of the correspondence in the initials of syllables between Baoji dialect and standard Chinese, rules are very notable in tongue-raising and level-tongue sounds, bilabial and labiodental sounds, sharp and rounded sounds, nasal and lateral sounds, and aspirated and non-aspirated sounds.
Journal of Baoji University of Arts and Sciences:Social Science Edition