将一定形状的硬质合金块经预处理后固定在金属型内的指定位置上 ,利用浇入钢液的热量使其与钢液接触的表面呈半熔融状态 ,凝固后在硬质合金和钢之间形成一个互溶的过渡区。通过这种冶金结合 ,可获得复合耐磨制件毛坯。这种制件既具有硬质合金高硬度、高耐磨性的优点 ,又具有钢高强度、高韧性的长处 ,因此可广泛用于冷热冲压模具、粉末冶金模具、轧制金属的轧辊、机械设备的耐磨件、受冲击力较大的易损件及刃具、工具、量具等。与硬质合金件比较 ,可节约硬质合金 40 %以上 ,生产成本降低2 5 %以上 。
The special hardmetal sample pre-processed is fixed on the specified positiom in the metal model. The surface of the sample will be semi-molten by the hot of the steel liquid casting in. When they cool down, there will form a metallurgy combined transition zone. So, we can obtain a green of wearresisting composit. This kind of product has not only the excellency of hardmetal, large hardness and well wear-resisting, but also the virtue of steel, high intension and toughness. And it may be used as cold and/or hot punch die, PM mould, roller wear-resisting of machine, blades, tools, measures, and so on. By this way, we might economize the hardmetal more than 40%, depress the cost much than 25%, at the same time, increase the life of the product.
Cemented Carbides